Simple Machines wants to thank everyone who helped make SMF 2.0 what it is today; shaping and directing our project, all through the thick and the thin. It wouldn't have been possible without you. This includes our users and especially Charter Members - thanks for installing and using our software as well as providing valuable feedback, bug reports, and opinions.
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- Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen, Michele "Illori" Davis, Jessica "Suki" González, Will "Kindred" Wagner, Michael "Oldiesmann" Eshom, Amacythe, Jeremy "SleePy" Darwood and Justin "metallica48423" O'Leary
- Developers
- Jon "Sesquipedalian" Stovell, Jessica "Suki" González, John "live627" Rayes, Oscar "Ozp" Rydhé, Shawn Bulen, Norv, Aaron van Geffen, Antechinus, Bjoern "Bloc" Kristiansen, Colin Schoen, emanuele, Hendrik Jan "Compuart" Visser, Jeremy "SleePy" Darwood, Juan "JayBachatero" Hernandez, Karl "RegularExpression" Benson, Grudge, Michael "Oldiesmann" Eshom, Michael "Thantos" Miller, Selman "[SiNaN]" Eser, Theodore "Orstio" Hildebrandt, Thorsten "TE" Eurich and winrules
- Support Specialists
- Will "Kindred" Wagner, lurkalot, shadav, Steve, Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen, JimM, Adish "(F.L.A.M.E.R)" Patel, Aleksi "Lex" Kilpinen, Ben Scott, Bigguy, br360, CapadY, Chalky, Chas Large, Duncan85, Eliana Tamerin, Fiery, Gary M. Gadsdon, GigaWatt, gbsothere, Harro, Huw, Jan-Olof "Owdy" Eriksson, Jeremy "jerm" Strike, Justyne, K@, Kevin "greyknight17" Hou, KGIII, Kill Em All, margarett, Mattitude, Mashby, Mick G., Michele "Illori" Davis, MrPhil, Nick "Fizzy" Dyer, Nick "Ha²", Paul_Pauline, Piro "Sarge" Dhima, Rumbaar, Pitti, RedOne, S-Ace, Wade "sησω" Poulsen, xenovanis and ziycon
- Customizers
- Gary M. Gadsdon, Diego Andrés, Jonathan "vbgamer45" Valentin, Mick., Brad "IchBin™" Grow, ディン1031, Brannon "B" Hall, Bryan "Runic" Deakin, Bugo, Bulakbol, Colin "Shadow82x" Blaber, Daniel15, Eren Yasarkurt, Gwenwyfar, Jason "JBlaze" Clemons, Jerry, Joker™, Kays, Killer Possum, Kirby, Matt "SlammedDime" Zuba, Matthew "Labradoodle-360" Kerle, NanoSector, nend, Nibogo, Niko, Peter "Arantor" Spicer, Ricky., Sami "SychO" Mazouz, snork13, Spuds, Steven "Fustrate" Hoffman and Joey "Tyrsson" Smith
- Documentation Writers
- Michele "Illori" Davis, Irisado, Joshua "groundup" Dickerson, AngellinaBelle, Chainy, Daniel Diehl, Dannii Willis, emanuele, Graeme Spence, Jack "akabugeyes" Thorsen, Jade Elizabeth Trainor and Peter Duggan
- Marketing
- Will "Kindred" Wagner, Marcus "cσσкιє мσηѕтєя" Forsberg, Ralph "[n3rve]" Otowo, rickC, Tony Reid and Mert "Antes" Alınbay
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- Nikola "Dzonny" Novaković, Francisco "d3vcho" Domínguez, m4z, Relyana, Robert., Akyhne and GravuTrad
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- Derek Schwab, Michael Johnson and Liroy van Hoewijk
- Consulting Developers
- Brett Flannigan, Mark Rose and René-Gilles "Nao 尚" Deberdt
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- The invaluable few who tirelessly find bugs, provide feedback, and drive the developers crazier.
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- Founding Father of SMF
- Unknown W. "[Unknown]" Brackets
- Original Project Managers
- Jeff Lewis, Joseph Fung and David Recordon
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- Crip, K@, metallica48423 and Paul_Pauline
And for anyone we may have missed, thank you!
- Forum
- SMF 2.0.19 | SMF © 2021, Simple Machines
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- Count descendant's posts, 1.0.12 | © 2011-2021, davidhs | Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
- Count descendant's posts, 1.0.11 | © 2011-2019, davidhs | Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
- Optimus © 2010–2025, Bugo
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